The K&M 18969 can be set to a very low height by moving the axis, making it ideal for our newest generation of keyboard player...
Professional, heavy-duty steel stand for digital pianos, supports max. 80 kg. Features an individual height-adjustment system ...
Due to its double-X-construction which is extremely robust the K&M 18963 is suitable especially for heavy stagepianos and mast...
K&M has developed a new generation of stands! By its practical clamping mechanism its setup and breack down is easily and fast...
This attractive keyboard table offers maximum stability by means of its compact steel tubing construction and its large round ...
Professional, heavy-duty all-purpose stand, suitable for any use. This versatile stand has many points of adjustment,
This newly designed holder for the keyboard tables "Omega" 18810, 18950 and 18953 provides a good view of your laptop. You won...
Used for installing microphone-booms at the Spider Pro with or without laptop holder.
Die ideale Erg?nzung zum Keyboardst?nder Omega (18810). Egal ob Sie ein zweites Keyboard oder einen Laptop benutzen m?chten, m...
Neue sinnvolle Erweiterung f?r die Keyboardst?nder »Spider Pro« und »Baby Spider Pro«. Der robuste Aufsatz sorgt f?r einen sic...
As an extension for the keyboard stand Spider Pro and Baby Spider Pro the add-on 18868 delivers a fixed and save position for ...
Doppelstrebiger Keyboardst?nder mit ergonomischem Klemmhebel, jedoch mit minimierter Auflagentiefe von nur 25 cm f?r die perfe...
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